Responsive Web Design - Design Once, Display Everywhere

Responsive Web Design: Design Once, Display Everywhere

Designing websites is getting more and more complex, from design considerations to technical and functional approaches.

It used to be we only had a couple of platforms and a few browsers to consider. Now there are a multitude of devices, screen sizes, platforms, browsers and gestural interfaces to think about when designing for the web.

Even the concept of the web itself is changing in this age of the Cloud and networked objects.

In this webinar, moderator Callie Neylan will lead a discussion with Dan Mall, art director at Big Spaceship, and Scott Fegette, product manager for Dreamweaver at Adobe Systems, about these factors and the emerging technologies designers can use to create successful web experiences, regardless of context.

Hosted by Adobe and AIGA, "Responsive Web Design: Design Once, Display Everywhere" will take place on July 27 at 12 p.m. (Eastern).

The webinar series, "Breakthroughs: Where Inspiration and Technology Meet," is exclusive and free to AIGA members.

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