Cut the Crap - How to Develop Greener, Lower-Cost Products

Cut the Crap: How to Develop Greener, Lower-Cost Products

Would you like to learn more about designing and engineering waste out of your products while reducing cost?

Bresslergroup is hosting a free Webinar demonstrating tools and techniques for benchmarking and optimizing the design of mainstream products.

The product development firm's senior engineering and design leaders will explain, in detail, proven tools and techniques for benchmarking and optimizing design solutions en route to systematically reducing environmental impact.

Mathieu Turpault, Bresslergroup's Director of Design, concedes that "we're all a little bit tired of the hype surrounding sustainable design."

But stresses that all of the attention has led to the development of some very useful tools, and greater access to information and expertise around materials and processes.

And, according to Bresslergroup's Senior Engineer Seth Galewyrick, "you can probably make an impact with the tools you already have on hand."

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