IIDA 2015 Educator of the Year Award

IIDA 2015 Educator of the Year Award

The International Interior Design Association (IIDA) is calling for applications for the Fourth Annual IIDA Educator of the Year Award, established to honor extraordinary accomplishment and dedication to Interior Design by a full-time educator.

"Educators provide a foundation for the advancement of design by guiding and motivating students to achieve at the highest possible levels," Executive Vice President and CEO Cheryl S. Durst, Hon. FIIDA, LEED AP, said.

"This award provides much deserved recognition to the distinguished educators who elevate the Interior Design profession by consistently inspiring student excellence."

Award selection will be made by the IIDA Educator of the Year Review Committee, upon assessing submissions according to the criteria outlined in the supporting documents. The winning candidate will be notified in May 2015 and honored at the IIDA Annual Meeting to be held on Sunday, June 14, 2015 at the Museum of Contemporary Art.

The deadline for applications is April 6, 2015.

more: iida.org (213)


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