Europe 40 Under 40 Awards 2010

Europe 40 Under 40 Awards 2010

In a bold attempt to identify the next, upcoming generation of European design practitioners, The European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies announced the 2010 submission date for the European-wide Awards Program that identifies, promotes, and exhibits the next generation of European architects, landscape architects, urban planners, industrial, graphics and fashion designers under the age of 40.

"Europe 40 Under 40" is the annual initiative organized by The Europe Center to identify Europe's most promising new talent and to spotlight the next generation of successful designers who will impact Europe's future living and working environments, cities, towns, and rural areas in the decades to come.

The award program is open to all young designers and architects who are under the age of 40 as of December 31, 2009 and who are working independently or in a firm or on a specific project where they are the lead designer.

"Europe 40 Under 40" is open to European designers who are citizens of the European Union or in the countries of Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Russia, Turkey, Lichtenstein, Albania, Monaco, Croatia, Andorra, Serbia, Montenegro, Georgia, Bosnia-Hezergovina, Macedonia, Moldavia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Canary Islands, Faeroe Islands, and San Marino.

The 2010 submission deadline is November 1, 2009.

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