The 3rd Annual Core77 Conference, Designing Here/Now, will be held September 29-30 in downtown Los Angeles. The conference will bring together design practitioners, thought leaders, business strategists, technologists, and entrepreneurs for an immersive, two-day exploration on how designers can lead interdisciplinary teams to create game-changing products and experiences that positively impact society as a whole.
"We try to put an emphasis on getting people to connect," commented Stuart Constantine, co-founder, Core77. "A conference like this appeals to people who are working on taking their careers and their work to the next level, so we try hard to create a lot of spaces for them to get together and make those connections."
The first day of the conference features panels and presentations led by design, arts, science, engineering, and business luminaries, and will focus on human-centered design, start up strategies, and leading successful projects from concept to launch.
The second day kicks off with a series of one-hour workshops hosted by professionals from the Core77 network, which offer attendees the chance to hone ideas introduced on the first day into strategies for effective new ways of working. Following the workshops, a series of guided tours throughout downtown Los Angeles allow attendees exclusive insight into some of the city's most innovative design studios and public projects.