The Design Museum has launched a new campaign, 'Design in Britain,' to show that design matters politically, economically and publicly. The campaign aims to connect new technologies with world-leading products and services.
"At a time of uncertainty for our country we need to exploit all our assets and chief amongst these are our capacity for excellent design," commented the Rt Hon. the Lord Mandelson, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the Design Museum. "The impact of technology on how we live and work will present huge industrial opportunities and design is the method we use to make technology work. Design is about implementation, pointing the way to put new technologies to work creating world-beating products and services, and the Design Museum believes passionately that the creative use of design offers Britain its best chance to make the most successful use of the country's innovative power and skills."
"Technological, political and social landscapes are shifting - not to mention the environmental challenges we face - and we see this emerging new reality as an opportunity," added Deyan Sudjic, Director, the Design Museum. "It is an opportunity to create new knowledge and drive innovation by making clear the vital connections between engineering, technology and design. In so doing, we will aim to tackle the major issues facing Britain and the world today, using design as the essential method to transform inventions into real products, interfaces and systems.
"Under the Design in Britain campaign, the Design Museum aims to bring together designers, business and policy-makers to help create a future observatory - not just to reflect on the next wave of innovation but to shape it."