National Architecture Week 2012 - Design Connects

National Architecture Week 2012: Design Connects

National Architecture Week is a public awareness campaign from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) dedicated to increasing attention to the role architects play as a force for positive change in our communities and to elevate the public's appreciation of design. The theme for the week this year is "Design Connects."

Similar to previous years' observances, National Architecture Week will be virtual and will be composed of daily pinboards on Pinterest, and a Check In to Win Foursquare sweepstakes. The intent is to use the two social networking platforms to showcase good design and encourage architecture fans to share their thoughts and engage with like-minded professionals during the week.

The event will kick off Sunday, April 8, with a welcoming video from AIA President Jeff Potter, FAIA, which will be posted to the AIA National YouTube channel. As April 8 is Easter Sunday, the link to the first pinboard on Pinterest will showcase churches and other religious facilities. Each succeeding day, a new pinboard will be posted highlighting additional building types, including schools, offices, retail, performing arts, and cultural institutions-all with the goal of highlighting how design connects us all.