Inspire08 - Broadcast Design and Motion Graphics Symposium

Inspire08: Broadcast Design and Motion Graphics Symposium

The Savannah College of Art and Design hosts Inspire08, a one-day symposium where the top creatives from the broadcast design, motion graphics and media art world converge with SCAD students, fellow design leaders and the Savannah community. The symposium main events will be held April 18 at SCAD's historic Trustees Theater, 216 E Broughton St.

Inspire08 features sessions led by highly regarded firms including Troika Design Group, Digital Kitchen, Brand New School and PSYOP, covering a wide range of topics from interactive motion graphics and the art of main-title design to brainstorming techniques, the role of writing, and experimental and fine art animation.

Acclaimed stop-motion master PES is scheduled to speak and show examples of his work, followed by a question-and-answer session led by Brett Ashy of the Ashy Agency. PES's work has been featured in The New York Times, Time Out, Print Magazine and Wired, and on the front pages of YouTube, boing boing and metafilter. He has directed television commercials for clients including Bacardi, Diesel, Sprint, Orange Telecom, Playstation and Coinstar.

"We are pleased to bring together the industry's top professionals once again to share their creative processes and groundbreaking techniques," said Jill Taffet, chair of the SCAD broadcast design and motion graphics department.

Following the day's sessions, Stash Magazine presents the Best of Motion Graphics, a big-screen presentation of the industry's best and most innovative motion graphics of the year.

The Inspire08 Awards, hosted by (mt) Media Temple, will honor the year's most creative individuals and companies in the industry. The Student of the Year Awards will be presented by last year's winners, broadcast design and motions graphics alumni Ahn Vu (B.F.A. 2007) and William Campbell (B.F.A. 2007), who were hired by PSYOP and superfad respectively after meeting company representatives at Inspire07.

An after-party hosted by (mt) Media Temple will wrap up the evening at the River Club, 3 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

Creative director of Exopolis Brien Holman attended Inspire07 and noted, "It's an amazing opportunity, especially the fact that it's pulled off by a college. You have so many amazing people presenting. These are people I look up to."

SCAD: The Savannah College of Art and Design

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