INDEX - Award 2009

INDEX: Award 2009

The call for nominations is open for the INDEX: Award 2009, one of the biggest design awards in the world, presented every two years in Copenhagen.

INDEX: is dedicated to change global mindsets by demonstrating and exploring the concept of "Design to Improve Life".

INDEX: Award does not categorise design according to traditional labels since these categories do not fully reflect the interdisciplinary approach employed in most interesting modern design.

INDEX: asks that the nomination bodies think horizontally, across design categories and industries, when selecting their nominees for the five categories vital to human life: body, home, work, play and community.

Under the focus of Design to Improve Life, each nomination is evaluated according to three parameters: Form, Impact and Context.

People from all over the world can submit nominations for INDEX: Award 2009, including INDEX: Regional Ambassadors, members of INDEX:, professional design institutions registered by INDEX:, members of the jury and private individuals.

Nominated designs can include works by designers, design teams, public and private companies as well as design students and design enthusiasts from all over the world.

Deadline for nominations is 22 December 2008.

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