Snowball - Finnish-Chinese Design Industry

Snowball: Finnish-Chinese Design Industry

On November 3-5 2009, Design Forum Finland will present "Snowball / Finnish-Chinese Design Industry" in Shanghai.

This event will gather together Finnish design-related companies, designers and other actors interested in the Chinese market to meet the leading names of design in China.

It consists of a Finnish-Chinese design seminar with additional networking programme.

The theme of the three-day event is the present state and opportunities of the Chinese design market.

At the seminar, leading Chinese design experts will speak, among other topics, of the transition of China from "the world's factory" to a country investing in design, and about features of contemporary Chinese visual culture.

Speakers from Finland will present the actors and parties involved in the Finland pavilion project for World Expo 2010, Finnish design firms and companies and various cooperation projects, among other subjects of interest.

Visits and networking events with local actors of the design branch will be included in the programme.

Coinciding with Snowball, Finnish design will also be on display at the same time in Shanghai in an additional programme including an exhibition of the CTRL Clothing brand in Source Gallery and an exhibition and workshop of graphic design by the Kokoro & Moi agency.

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Design Forum Finland

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