DesignLove stems from an original collaboration between Intramuros and DuPont. Gifted to Luminaire for the 2011 edition of the design showroom's philanthropic Love Series, the exhibition boasts original works in DuPont Corian solid surfaces, shown together for the first time, to be sold through an online auction benefiting the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami.

A profound unity with friends and colleagues for a singular cause defines Luminaire's Love Series, the company's ongoing initiative to fight cancer using the transformative power of design. Beginning five years ago, with PuppyLove, and continuing two years later with PaperLove, Luminaire has reimagined the possibilities of philanthropy.
The long-standing relationships between Nasir and Nargis Kassamali and the design community, paired with the generosity of Luminaire's loyal clientele, have resulted in combined donations of over $700,000 toward fighting this disease. Transforming Luminaire's newly expanded showroom in Miami's Design District, DesignLove demonstrates Luminaire's singular ability to serve as a conduit, bringing today's most innovative design thinking to the public in a way that is meaningful and gives poetry to life.
Photos: Mario Pignata Monti