Fabrica has created the participatory logo to be used by Icograda and its 200 member associations for all initiatives marking 50th anniversary of the organization. The basic shape of the logo is an interpretation of the number 50 inspired by old world maps structured on dual globes, giving a complete view of all continents: a clear reference to Icograda's broader mission to support all design cultures globally.

The most significant and original aspect of the logo is its participatory and multicultural nature: while maintaining its core identity, it can be customised by each of the 200 Icograda members around the world, who can add elements relating to their local visual culture, such as images, typography, calligraphy, decorations, etc.
The logo also has an official version, to be used exclusively by Icograda for its centralised branding requirements; it was designed by Michela Povoleri, a resident of Fabrica's Visual Communication department directed by Omar Vulpinari, former Vice President of Icograda.