DMM Monitor - Material ConneXion Launches a New Trend Report

DMM Monitor: Material ConneXion Launches a New Trend Report

DMM Monitor is a new in-depth report on emerging consumer trends and implications of new Design, Materials, and Manufacturing (DMM) innovations, published three times a year.

Each issue of DMM Monitor will follow a three-step process: Trends - observation of cultural patterns suggesting changes in the consumer mindset; Platforms - recommendations of design, materials, and manufacturing directions in response to these trends; and Innovations - identification of tangible applications of the platforms through cutting-edge DMM developments that spark new products and services.

For an investment of $60,000 per year plus out of pocket expenses, subscribers also have access to custom "DMM Immersion" presentations and workshop sessions, and the "DMM Deck," a set of reference cards summarizing the DMM Monitor content to stimulate additional inspiration, interaction, and ideation.

The report is published by Sandow ThinkLab, a division of Material ConneXion. For more information, please contact Sandow ThinkLab VP Consulting Tiffany Vasilchik, tvasilchik at, 212-842-2034.

Material ConneXion