53rd IFLA World Congress - Tasting the Landscape

53rd IFLA World Congress: Tasting the Landscape

The 53rd IFLA World Congress will be held April 20-22 in Torino. This year, the theme of the conference is 'Tasting the Landscape,' which calls for the interpretation of the landscape project as an expression of a greater consciousness of the transformation processes and as an opportunity to improve the places where populations carry out their life.

The expression Tasting, according to it's meaning of savoring, experiencing, trying applied to the landscape, implies an attention given to the sensorial dimension of a place, a consideration of slowness as a value: it urges us to not forget the emotional and perceptive aspects as creative agents for the project. Furthermore, it refers to the experience of discovery, to an inventive attitude that leads to in depth investigating, seeking to understand, to evaluating and re-elaborating images, practices, and signs that can orient the inevitable change of regions and landscapes according to a shared and communal feeling.

For participants, the Congress will constitute a privileged field for confrontation and discussion of the dimension of the peri-urban landscape, areas where different practices, lifestyles and forms of change meet and collide.

more: ifla2016.com (138)

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