The City of London Building of the Year 2016 Winner Announced

The City of London Building of the Year 2016 Winner Announced

New Ludgate, a new development by Land Securities designed by Fletcher Priest Architects and Sauerbruch Hutton, has been named as the The City of London Building of the Year 2016.

A special Livery Award was created to commend the new Leathersellers' Hall designed by Eric Parry Architects and the refurbished Livery Hall for the Salters' Company by dMFK by London Wall Place.

The shortlist and winner was drawn up and selected by a jury chaired by Paul Finch, programme director of the World Architecture Festival. The criteria has been to seek out the buildings that support the ambitions of the City of London in delivering a world-class working environment, by evaluating both the quality of the architectural design and the impact the building has had on the city street scene.

"The judges felt that an area of the City where you would not have wished to walk or linger has been transformed," Finch commented. "An eyesore had been removed and a destination created, which through the skillful deployment of colour lifted both the eye and the spirit."

Fletcher Priest Architects

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