Look Inside features infographics that cut up or take apart their subjects and make them transparent. The resulting cross sections and interior views present precise detail in multiple layers.
Look Inside starts with a discussion of Arnhem Land, the earliest known cutaway illustrations, showing that even 28,000 years ago, humans had a fascination with how things internally work: the processes that are hidden from the human eye.

Including work from both centuries past and the cutting-edge present, this book is an unparalleled compendium of cutaway techniques and their wide-ranging applications. Works from Jewish-German physician Fritz Kahn's imagine the human body as a mechanized factory; Kahn's visual metaphors show conveyor belts and offices instead of veins and valves.
Exploded images of classic sports cars allows Fabian Oefner to show every piece of the automotive puzzle from the body shell to individual tiny screws. Richard Orr's scientific pieces represent the natural world and continue in the genre's traditional thread of handmade illustrations; whether a beaver lodge or an arctic circle landscape, Orr presents a vivid natural world or layers and scientific hierarchies.