Smith&+Village Rebrands Booths Tea Range with Bold Color Palette

Smith&+Village Rebrands Booths Tea Range with Bold Color Palette

Smith&+Village has redesigned Booths' range of teas, calling on the retailer's origins as a tea importer in 1847.

The strategy devised for Booths' own label comes into play on the new packaging, with a concentration of the brand achieved using a very limited, but unique colour palette of creative elements. The bold and eye catching packaging features a strong and simple mix of typography, colour and a unique Booths twist. There are no photos or confusing category language.

"The tea range totally embodies Booths as a business," commented Debrah Smith, Creative Director, Smith&+Village. "The jewel-coloured boxes of the different tea varieties sit together as a strong family and have real presence on shelf amongst the brands.

"The piece-de-resistance is the packaging for the strong afternoon tea bags, which we called Builders' Tea, because after all, that's what we all call our favourite brew."

The strategy for the brand and the design reflect Booth's premium and heritage positioning, while making it relevant for the modern consumer.


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