Typotheque - Bringing Fine Typography To the Web

Typotheque: Bringing Fine Typography To the Web

Typotheque has become the first commercial type foundry to license its entire font collection for use on the World Wide Web.

Typotheque's Web Font Service frees webpage designers from the restriction of using Times, Helvetica and the other dozen or so "web-safe" fonts.

Although most browsers support the use of other fonts, font companies have been reluctant to license their fonts for use on the web because there has been no convenient and reliable method of preventing site visitors from downloading the font files illegally.

Typotheque's method, which is based on W3C standards, gives web designers unprecedented creative possibilities while at the same time making it simple to use fonts securely on the web.

Typotheque's system enables webpages to use the CSS @font-face rule to access font files stored on a global network of secure servers.

Because the rule is supported by the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Opera, over 95% of all users worldwide can view such pages properly.

For the first time, designers can create consistent visual identities across all necessary media without having to convert text into images.

Typotheque's OpenType fonts support over 100 languages written in Latin, Greek, Cyrillic and Arabic scripts.


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