Apple's current iPad App of the Week provides science buffs, space art enthusiasts, backyard astronomers and young adults with an extraordinary look into the world beyond our Solar System. Journey to the Exoplanets, developed by Brandwidth for Scientific American, in collaboration with Farrar, Straus and Giroux is now available on the App Store. The app offers a groundbreaking, hands-on introduction to the distant planets that continue to be discovered outside our Solar System.

Journey to the Exoplanets allows users to view over one hundred gorgeous images by renowned, award-winning illustrator Ron Miller, while listening to audio commentary from astrobiologist Caleb A. Scharf. Users can learn all about exoplanets by reading more than 15,000 words of fascinating text by Scientific American's Contributing Art Director Edward Bell. Scientific American's Editor-in-Chief, Mariette DiChristina, provides the foreword and additional commentary.

"Journey to the Exoplanets provided a fascinating opportunity to create an immersive app," said Dean Johnson, Executive Creative Director of Brandwidth. "We explored the far reaches of the iPad's technological capabilities utilizing Multi-Touch gestures, 3D environments, and database control to design and develop an app that presents a genuine 21st century reading experience for a tech-savvy audience."