Autodesk FormIt is a new, free iPad app that allows building design professionals to conceptualize, analyze, and share early design ideas and forms. The app allows users to capture building design ideas digitally and support a Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflow in the earliest stages of design.

"Design professionals are increasingly working on the go and Autodesk FormIt helps them to capture building design concepts digitally anytime, anywhere ideas strike," commented Nicolas Mangon, senior director, AEC strategy and marketing, Autodesk. "Instead of scribbling these ideas and sketches on a napkin, FormIt lets users easily create designs on their iPad and then share them with other users through Autodesk 360 for further collaboration and analysis."

Autodesk FormIt uses real-world site information to help users create forms in context and support early design decisions with real building data. It allows users to expressive design ideas on mobile devices, and experience a continuous BIM workflow to desktop applications, such as Autodesk Revit and Vasari, which is now available as a public beta.

With FormIt, you can create forms from a gallery of shapes and manipulate designs using your hands for easy model changes. The app enables easy access to site information that allows you to set the exact project location and create design forms in context of the proposed building location. You can make informed early design decisions by studying shadows using the location aware sub path tool; track gross building floor area as designs develop; and address easement and property line issues while exploring building footprints.