Worlds of Wonder - Experience Design for Curious People

Worlds of Wonder: Experience Design for Curious People

Erik Bär and Stan Boshouwers, founding partners of Tinker Imagineers, are publishing the first handbook on Experience Design. Modern organizations are increasingly looking for ways to engage their customers with authentic and heartfelt experiences. 'Worlds of Wonder' is a manual for everyone who wants to turn this into reality.

Experience Design (XD), the enterprise of creating immersive worlds around people seems to be the creative industry's biggest star in the marketing firmament of today. From museums to theme parks and from A-brands to governments, everyone wants to use the art of creating spaces that tell a story. And no other medium is more promising in connecting people to stories, places, and ideas. What is the story behind this movement? How did it evolve and what is the best way of navigating in this sector?

In Worlds of Wonder, the two pioneers reconstruct the past 25 years, showing how designed experiences came to be central in our lives. Spatial storytelling is as old as architecture itself and modern media technologies have given an impulse to its scale and expressive powers. The bigger the online world grows, the stronger becomes the need for actual spaces of wonder and imagination. People seek out those spaces to indulge in immersive experiences and social interaction. This book contains many examples, with the intention of giving a sense of what works and why, from the psychological foundations of consumer behavior to practical steps to action.

Tinker Imagineers