Ragged Edge has rebranded Laka, a community-based insurer of cyclists. The new brand sets Laka up to change the fundamentals of insurance, offering a revolutionary model to turn the industry on its head.
Following a successful seed round, Laka enlisted Ragged Edge to develop a new brand identity that could establish collective cover for cyclists in the UK and Europe, as well as set the company up to develop other insurance products in the future. The insurance industry is often associated with misfortune and mistrust. Laka needed a brand to challenge those preconceptions and establish a positive, community-based model.
"When we club together, everybody stands to benefit. And that very simple idea is what this brand is built from," explained Max Ottignon, co-founder, Ragged Edge. "Clubbing together reflects their insurance model. It speaks to the shared passion of everyone in the cycling community. And it gives Laka the opportunity to expand into any product, for any collective of people."

Laka's fun-loving and characterful new identity is the antidote to the insurance industry. It recognises the different tribes that exist in cycling yet brings them together to feel part of a bigger collective team, celebrating its strength in numbers.
Bold portraiture photography heroes the collective's diverse members, and strong team colours unites them. Landscape-like patterns are inspired by mud, sweat and tears from a ride. And a tone of voice that's never afraid to go full-on bike nerd is used as a rallying cry to members - mess with one of us, mess with all of us.

Images: Courtesy of Ragged Edge