Fontwerk Releases Modern Neo-Grotesque Case

Fontwerk Releases Modern Neo-Grotesque Case

Fontwerk has released 'Case,' a modern Neo-Grotesque for the new Twenties, designed by Erik Spiekermann in collaboration with Anja Meiners and Ralph du Carrois.

Case is the essence of several corporate type projects the trio collaborated on in the past. They left out everything that they felt was unnecessary in the world's most popular typeface genre but they made sure to keep all the best bits. Building on that concentrate, they added new ideas and conceptual solutions for a contemporary static grotesque. The result is the missing element in an otherwise strained and bloated genre: a typeface whose clear basic personality looks familiar and creates trust, but at the same time is novel and individual and is therefore perfect for strong brand building.

One of the characteristics of all Case styles is that in order to optimize some of the letters for the design of logos, wordmarks and headlines, the terminals of letters such as c, a, s and e all have the same horizontal endings.

Case is currently available in three optical sizes: the core family is suitable for the vast majority of applications, especially larger applications, Text for longer reads and Micro for small text.

A distinguishing criterion of the family members is their respective spacing. In comparison to the two versions for text applications, the main family's spacing is narrow, whereas it is wider on the Text and widest on the Micro. For better readability, both Case Text and Case Micro have a higher x-height, an l with a 'foot' and slightly more open shapes than its bigger sister. The Micro has more distinguishable character forms (r, i, j) or wider glyphs (f, t) as well as significant contrast at the joints of the stems and bows.


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