Branding Design Books

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    Logo Design That Works: Secrets for Successful Logo Design

    Logo design titles continue to sell the most copies of all graphic design subjects. This hard-working title examines 100 logo designs by illustrating how and why the design works. Sidebars compare and contrast rough drafts of popular logos with their final versions, and short tips address issues such as testing designs, sourcing inspiration, and typography.

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    Logo Lounge: 2000 International Identities by Leading Designers

    This debut volume--the first of an annual series celebrating the work of top logo designers on the innovative Logolounge Web site--offers a wealth of inspiration and insights for graphic designers and their clients.This book presents the sites best designs of the year as judged by an elite group of name-brand designers.

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    The Brand Gap

    Not since McLuhans THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE has a book compressed so many ideas into so few pages. Using the visual language of the boardroom, Neumeier presents the first unified theory of branding -- a set of five disciplines to help companies bridge the gap between brand strategy and brand execution. Those with a grasp of branding will be inspired by what they find here, and those who would like to understand it better will suddenly "get it."