Hesperia has entrusted The Brand Union with the design of its brand identity and the creation of its packaging range. The agency was briefed to enable Hesperia to become the industry's benchmark for eco-friendly products sold through specialized distribution networks. The agency went about creating the new Hesperia identity based on a simple, accessible brand discourse by emphasizing the efficiency and pleasure provided by these products.

Starting from the basic premise that a brand must tell its customers a story, The Brand Union went beyond the mere creation of a range of packaging solutions. As Hesperia is the scientific name of a genus of butterflies, it was naturally decided to adopt an approach based on animal fables. These stories convey an emotional message through a series of mascots chosen to illustrate the consumer benefits. To emphasize the good-humoured, joyful effect of these packs, the mascots developed by the agency represent household pets depicted in a graphic style that inspires a sense of warm affinity.
The products' efficiency is expressed by the inclusion of "real-life" illustrations on the front face alongside the guarantee provided by environmental labels such as Ecolabel and Ecocert. A slogan sums up these two key aspects (festive and eco-friendly) of the products: Mon geste happy responsible ("My happy responsible gesture").