The Brave New Now Transforms Old Offices Doors Into Unique Business Cards

The Brave New Now Transforms Old Offices Doors Into Unique Business Cards

The Brave New Now recently created a unique business card for Ven Amsterdam, a pioneering business and entertainment complex, which is currently under development in Amsterdam West.

The 45,000 sqm grey old office space is being transformed into a new global hub full of life, energy and colour. Ven's brand philosophy is that amazing things happen when different comes together - that's when unique experiences are created and change is made.

Not being content with creating a conventional business card, The Brave New Now wanted to embody the brand's philosophy and combine two opposing elements together to create something unique. Taking raw materials from the building itself they used old-fashioned artistry and cutting-edge techniques to transform them into a something totally different.

Collaborating with a range of local artisans, they chopped, sawed, planed, sanded, sprayed and laser engraved their way through the building's old office doors and turned them into a unique new calling card.

The Brave New Now

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